
Summer is the second EP of a project called Seasons that was successfully crowdfunded in 2017 and released in 2018. Each song is paired with visual art and a story. The project has four EP's: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. I hope you enjoy the year of music, art and storytelling.

We're Gonna Have a Good Time

I would say in general, I am a deep thinking and somewhat somber person. Some people might disagree, particularly those who knew me in my youth. I don't know if it's life experience or just the effects of age, but I feel a distinct and tangible chasm between my present and younger self. Sometimes I really miss her. It's not all bad, but sometimes I forget the humor, joy and hope of my youth. This song is all about getting past that separation, it's about setting aside your worry and having a good time. 

I wanted to create a painting that captured the art of letting go. The first image that came to my mind was my daughter, strolling around in her birthday suit.  

<3 Hannah Sophia


"I just want to harmonize
With the birds in the sky,
Ladybugs and butterflies.
There’s nowhere else I would rather be,
Rather be, than here with you, here with me."

​I wrote this song with my older sisters Rachel and Meka. We gathered around the piano with Meka at the keys, throwing melody and lyrics back and forth. There is some kind of magic connection the universe bestows in sisters. This song has been played by all of us, on a variety of instruments over the years and even has several recorded variations. Here I give you my favorite. I hope you love it. 

<3 Hannah Sophia

Flying Free

Sometimes a relationship leaves you with a box of bad memories and a bitter taste in your mouth. It's a position almost everyone finds themselves in at one point in there life. Certain places, foods and even activities may be less pleasant because they harbor the ghost of relationships past. This 'luggage' can lurk in our shadow, following us for years without our awareness. Inevitably we are brought face to face with it and we have to choose how to act. 

A bit of wisdom from the artist Birdy, "If you're strong enough to let it in, you're strong enough to let it go." 

Put those memories in a box and leave them behind. They are just holding you back.

<3 Hannah Sophia


I wish bravery felt good. It's such a powerful word. You would think that it would feel better or that at the very least it wouldn't have so much feeling. But usually bravery means wading through a lot of feeling and a lot of fear. ​

"If I breathe to deep will my lungs touch the place in my heart where we used to be."

Strength doesn't mean we hide the pain and conquer it alone. Strength means persevering, despite the discomfort. Strength is vulnerability.  

"I don't know how to be strong without time to be weak."​

Take the time you need. Always.

​<3 Hannah Sophia

The Sky Is Falling

I love the pattern of veins. 

 Their patterns reminds me of lightning or rain fall. Unpredictable, powerful and mesmerizing. I wrote this song when I was fairly young and in love. 

Though I wouldn't want to relive it, I'm blown away by the passion and power behind teenage emotion. They were volatile, stubborn and rash but they were also had a beautiful blind belief, hope and optimism that can't survive with age. I love that can at least for a moment revisit it through my music. I hope it can take you back too.

<3 Hannah Sophia